Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Let's Go to the Movies!

During Week One, the class engaged in an icebreaker to get to know each other. The following response came from the discussion: "In a couple of paragraphs, one for a summary and another for your personal involvement, tell about your movie and explain why it's special to you."

Hi, All,
I love movies!  My sister worked in a movie theatre as a projectionist, and I used to preview many movies with her after hours....I miss those days! 
One of my go-to movies is Grease.   If you have not seen the movie, it is a tale of love set in the fifties with John Travolta playing "Danny" and Olivia Newton John playing "Sandy", who had a summer romance and then find each other again at the same high school...he is too cool for love, and she is a good girl.  By the end (with all kinds of fun events in the middle), they change for each other.  It is a musical, so prepare yourself!  I just love the high-school setting, and it makes me think of my own high school years!  Mine were a bit different from Rydell High, but fun nonetheless.  Watching the movie always brings me back to more carefree days when my sisters and I would watch the movie together....I still turn up the radio if I hear songs from the soundtrack, and I will always sit down and watch if it comes on the T.V.
I live in FL, but I came from NY.  I am married with two children, a one year old girl, Mary, and three year boy, Nathaniel.  They are my everything, and my life basically revolves around them now....I work full-time as a faculty member at Indian River State College, and I teach college-prep reading.
Nice to "meet" you all.
Good luck!
PS- I am also an 80's movie fan!  Love 'em!
Christin in FL

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